- Common Menstrual abnormalities
- Dysmenorrhoea: common causes(primary & secondary), Classification, Management of primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea
- Some clinical cases on dysmenorrhoea
- Short notes on PMS & PMDD, Mittelshmerz's syndrome (ovular pain), Right ovarian vein syndrome (ovarian dysmenorrhoea), Pelvic congestion syndrome.
- Menorrhagia/hypermenorrhoea: Causes, management, treatment, why common in fibroid uterus.
- Puberty menorrhagia:Cause, management
- Metropathia haemorrhagica: Mechanism/pathogenesis, management, treatment.
- Polymenorrhoea/epimenorrhoea
- Polymenorrhagia
- Metrorrhagia
- Menometrorrhagia
- Oligomenorrhoea & hypomenorrhoea
- Amenorrhoea: classification, cause (of all kind of amenorrhoea), management (of all kind of amenorrhoea)
- Cryptomenorrhoea: cause and management
- Haematometra
- Asherman's syndrome
- Sheehan's syndrome
Definition : The term "dysentery" means frequent passage of loose stools with blood, pus and mucus associated with tenesmus [ Tenesmus refers especially to ineffectual( নিষ্ফল ) and painful straining( জড়াইয়া ধরা, জাপটাইয়া ধরা, জোরে টানা ) for an extended time. Straining to defecate ( মলত্যাগ করা ) is called rectal tenesmus ; straining to urinate is called vesical tenesmus . ] Classification : A. Bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis: Sh.dysenteriae, flexneri, boydii, sonnei) B. Amoebic dysentery(Entamoeba histolytica) A. Bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis: Sh.dysenteriae, flexneri, boydii, sonnei) : Aetiology : Incubation period: 1-7 days Causative agents the Shigellae are classified into four subgroups A, B, C and D due to their different antigenic and biohemical properties. However, the four important species are Sh. Dysenteriae, Sh.Flexneri, Sh.Sonnei. There are 40 serotypes for 4 species. All these liberate endotoxin[ a toxin th...
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